This project is handled by Nicolas Moussart

Impacts (know more) : working conditions, economic and employment development
Particuliers et professionnels : vivez cette aventure de l'intérieur en participant à son financement.

/ Return on investment /

0 % of the revenue generated
I.e. in total 0(gross) according to to the project owner’s forecast:
Targeted return on investment:
x... your initial investment (i.e. + ... %)
Risk of losing the entire investment. Maximum return on investment: x3.
* Tax: Flat tax of 30% on the profit if you declare your income in France. Otherwise, your local tax law applies.

/ Presentation /




HYPERVIRTUAL is an entertaining space in Virtual Reality which offers the possibility to individuals or groups to enjoy a parallel universe. Twenty-six immersive games are set permanently within 1,000 square meters, allow gamers to fully live the action and feel emotions inside each game. Each player can share their emotions with their friends by living the same experience.


HYPERVIRTUAL’s experiences have been carefully selected to offer players the best immersion. Player’s avatars interact between them and allow multiplayer games, either all together in cooperation against AI or against one another. Designs are surprising and unusual, we guarantee a scenery, intuitive moves and full immersion.

HYPERVIRTUAL is more than just a warehouse dedicated to games, it’s also a place where we hang out in the evening and as groups, we discover new technologies which give us access to a new environment which does not exist in reality. A location with high visibility is part of the strategy. 

Virtual reality is not only a place for entertainment. It’s also a performing tool that SMEs can start using within a large applications panel. HYPERVIRTUAL offers services to SMEs from multiple sectors. Its expertise is available to all companies that want to test the immersion provided by this new technology.

Virtual Reality became a must have tool that the public already worships. Immersion is so deep that each user can see its usefulness for a day to day use. A white paper from Smart VR describes the market and explain that “79% of those who tried VR wants to try again and 81% of those who tried have talked about it around them.”

In order to quantify the public’s interest of virtual reality, Facebook conducted a study on a panel of 11,000 adults from 11 different countries. The results indicate that 65% of these consumers believe that virtual reality will become a part of their daily life. 


Our first fundraising campaign aims to finance the setup of our warehouse and some part of the hardware so that we can launch in the best conditions. We need 150,000 euros minimum and 300,000 euros maximum. The development speed of HYPERVIRTUAL will depend on the amount raised through WE DO GOOD. 

Return on investment

The benefit of your investment will be a share of our turnover on a quarterly basis for 5 years. All investors will get 6.85% of our turnover for 300,000 euros (maximum) raised/invested. Each investor will receive a proportional share of their investment.

HYPERVIRTUAL team thanks all contributors who will allow this marvelous adventure to grow and raised and is eager to meet them all for a demo day before the public opening which should happen before the summer of 2019. We are thrilled to share this tremendous adventure with you.

Financing needs details


HYPERVIRTUAL is a SAS (SME) created in 2019 with a capital of 5,000€. Nicolas MOUSSART is the President and Alexandre MARMIN is the CEO.


Positive impacts

HYPERVIRTUAL mission is to democratize virtual reality with entertainment at first but also by showing its usefulness for business performances. The same way than 3D has revolutionized industry, virtual reality will become a must have tool to create, model, introducing new products and testing.



HYPERVIRTUAL will generate 10 full-time jobs between 2019 and 2023. These direct and stable jobs will contribute to dynamise the area where the company will be implanted, thanks to its innovative service expected by the market.

Partnerships with local market players will be set up so that HYPERVIRTUAL’s customers benefit from the best services adapted to their needs.

We place ourselves in a logic of economic efficiency whose local character allows a long-lasting and dynamic activity and a durable contribution to the local economy.

The business model enables other corporations to utilise our services and leverage the AI to their customer base in order to build a stronger business impact. In this way, HYPERVIRTUAL fosters the use of this new technology, therefore innovation. 



The 10 full-time jobs that the activity will generate will mainly concern evening and weekend hours. HYPERVIRTUAL will set up 10 to 20-hour contracts for students wishing to finance their studies, with the flexibility that this implies. We want to allow students to finance themselves without jeopardizing their studies. The number of hours and time slots will be defined according to the needs of the company, but also according to the constraints of the students, i.e. their schedule and their periods of training or examination. HYPERVIRTUAL estimates that 15 to 18 employment contracts can be set up for students in Nantes Métropole.



HYPERVIRTUAL aims to use only the legal minimum of paperwork; everything will be digitized, from invoices to score sheets. HYPERVIRTUAL is committed to applying this principle to its suppliers and to include in its training for employees the best practices for energy savings. We are also committed to working with responsible and local suppliers for the bar / snack as well as office supplies.



HYPERVIRTUAL is positioned as the future reference of the permanent places dedicated to the virtual reality, thanks to the surface available to evolve in free roaming, but also to the layout of the place. This is not a place designed only to immerse yourself in a virtual environment, but also to allow groups to spend an evening together.

HYPERVIRTUAL offers the most exotic and immersive way to spend a good evening.


Over the past few years, the out-of-home entertainment market has seen double-digit growth well above the overall growth in spending on all other goods and services, due to the technical progress in the last few years. Digital technologies have already begun to revolutionize this market that will soon offer novelties in all types of entertainment.

In April 2018, the zdnet.fr website published an article entitled “The world market of entertainment booming by 2021 to 493 billion dollars.” The article states that:

  • The video game segment is growing in the entertainment sector
  • Giants in the sector consider content to be the main differentiating factor
  • Innovative entertainment proposals will win the support of consumers

The consulting and audit firm PWC published an article in June 2017 on the evolution of entertainment. It says: “The Media and Entertainment sector has fundamentally evolved to focus primarily on the user experience. In order to stand out from their competitors, companies must develop strategies that engage their consumers and offer them the most immersive experience possible. The use of data and technology are at the heart of this issue.”

This is one of the strategic principles that HYPERVIRTUAL operates.


We want to make virtual reality accessible to all, which is why our content will be suitable for all ages, from 7 to 77 years, the target audience will be made up of players from 20 to 50 years old. (However, we will be very attentive to the recommendations of the health organizations and will adjust the openness to the young audience according to this one.)


  • A unique experience in France
  • Free roaming in Warehouse scale space
  • Incredible and very immersive games
  • A cozy space for a break and refreshments


  • Hypervirtual will offer its games between 10 and 20% cheaper than the competition
  • The games will be available on-site and the booking can be done online
  • We will use social networks, influencers, targeted advertising and other channels depending on events


  • We work with specialists in finance, in gaming and VR
  • Our partners offer very high-quality content

Financial data

Fundraising type : investment in royalties

Duration : 5 years

Percentage of the turnover retributed each quarter: 6,8 % maximum (for 300 000 € raised)

Profitability aimed: +119 % Gross in 5 years (risk of complete loss, maximum profitability : x 3)

Risks : … (evalutated by investors during the evaluation stage. Coming soon)


Our projected turnover is based on the attendance forecast, the figures of which come from equivalent structures offering the same type of services.


By investing, you subscribe to HYPERVIRTUAL to a royalty on the turnover of the company, proportional to your investment. The total investors will receive is 6.8% of the turnover generated each year for a fundraising of € 300,000.

If HYPERVIRTUAL realizes its forecast, the return for each investor will be +119% gross in 5 years. In any case, it is capped at +200% (therefore a factor 3).


What happens if the forecast is not achieved ?

In the event that the forecast is not reached after 5 years and the activity continues, HYPERVIRTUAL will continue to pay the royalties until full repayment of the amount invested.

When do payments begin ?

The Fee is sold for a 5 year period starting from 01/07/2019 and will be paid to investors quarterly. The first payment for July, August and September will be made in October.



Note:  these figures are based on an estimate of our turnover. It is up to you to evaluate the forecast and the strategy to estimate if you can expect to earn more or less than the annual return stated. Do not hesitate to contact us. Your maximum risk is the complete loss of your investment, and at best, you will triple your investment.


Main risks related to the activity :

  • Insufficient attendance at the institution. HYPERVIRTUAL mitigates this risk by enhanced communication that will begin even before the company opens to the public and by having a high visibility location.
  • Competition: virtual reality entertainment is booming, it is likely that in the future, other brands will settle in the city of Nantes and offers this type of service. To ensure a leading position on this market from the outset, HYPERVIRTUAL will continuously be monitoring the market, best practise communication, recurring and retain an already identified clientele, both on entertainment and business service.
  • Very fund intensive project: depreciation of the material. Financial requirements are mainly related to hardware coverage and gaming licenses.


HYPERVIRTUAL is first of all a story of two cousins who decided to start a great adventure together. During our childhood, we had great memories playing with family or friends. Since then we grew up, and the immersion technology, too. We wanted to extend our childhood and to share these new virtual worlds through HYPERVIRTUAL. At the creation of our project, we imagined families or friends coming together for a good day, or an evening enjoying our spaces. This is why we will be thrilled to see the players come, have fun and enjoy these moments.


The project was conceived more than a year ago after a brainstorming on the existing laser-game market. The market is now established on this type of entertainment, but the gaming equipment has not changed for several years. The experience is not always immersive, some establishments offer sets often poorly done with aging equipment. Generally speaking, laser-game is a type of entertainment that needs to evolve towards more modern solutions and equipment, to offer more gaming possibilities, more complete and immersive experiences.

Today, technology allows us to offer the same type of entertainment with a major competitive advantage: virtual reality. It is a technology that strengthens the immersion, which has turned for some years now, toward the multiplayer concept, and which can offer customers a wide range of gaming possibilities, even in a gaming arena. Therefore, a game of higher quality than laser game is achieved, clearly ahead of what the entertainment market offers today in terms of quality and ergonomics.

HYPERVIRTUAL will be much more than just a laser-game. The technology goes beyond the simple shooting game, it offers the opportunity to diversify the offer of games on the same site and to vary the game scenarios. Today, the team consists of 3 people:



Nicolas is an industrial engineer, specialized in project management and new product development. His industrial skills revolve around process optimization, loss reduction, search for better technical and industrial solutions, and prototype. His  general skills are management, operations and organization.


His career allowed him to work in different industries (including carpentry and boating), in different types of companies (SMEs, startup, industrial group). During his various experiences, he applied multiple methods of work to always gain efficiency and relevance to complete his work. He is passionate and always puts a lot of effort into what he does. He is married and father of 4 boys.



Alexandre MARMIN

He studied marketing business in France and moved to Dublin in 2007 to become a supervisor at HEWLET PACKARD call center for business customers. He returned to France in 2009 to be responsible of customer support in Paris still with HP, until 2016 and then became web project manager for an e-commerce company in 2017.

During all these years, he has worked to improve the quality of customer relationship, employee training , business monitoring tools implementation   and improvement of online sales sites of the HP brand.

Alexandre’s next step was to create his own company. He returned to Nantes, the city of his childhood, to build his project with Nicolas. Alexandre is married and became a father in October 2018 with the birth of his little boy.

His strengths as a manager are his calmness, his confidence, his ability to think, but also his abilities to manage and supervise.


Morgane DANIEL

Student in communication, Morgane first obtained a BSc in Communication in 2018. Today, she studies at Audencia Sciencescom, she is an intern at HYPERVIRTUAL for three months. She has been with this beautiful adventure since the beginning where she applies her knowledge and skills acquired from her studies. This learning period allows her to acquire a field experience which reinforces her decision in this choice of profession.

She managing the communication of the launch of HYPERVIRTUAL and in particular on the ongoing fundraising.



The project evaluation and investment statistics

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Investments signe plus

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